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Dr Ben Pugh 
BA (Hons), MA, PhD, FHEA, PGCertHE


With the benefit of a background in art, I have always loved painting pictures with words, whether my task is bringing a biblical passage to life in a sermon or explaining a truth about God in a book. Having found my way into theological academia, I now take delight in taking the riches of cutting edge research and thought and making these accessible to normal people! 


My great love is preaching and teaching in my home church: the Eagle's Nest Church in Nottingham, which is a part of the Assemblies of God denomination.



BA (Hons) Fine Art. University of the Creative Arts, Farnham, 1991.

MA (Distinction) in the Study of Pentecostal and Charismatic Issues. Regents Theological College, Malvern. 2004.

PhD in early British Pentecostalism. Regents Theological College, Malvern, 2009.

Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Sheffield Hallam University, 2019.


My current role is Lecturer in Theology at Cliff College. This is the lay training centre for the Methodist Church in Britain. Here, I specialise in what's known as Systematic Theology, which is the study of Christian doctrine. Before this, I was Director of Postgraduate Studies at Mattersey Hall.

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