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Academic Books 
2020           Pictures of Atonement: A New Testament Study (Eugene: Cascade)

2018            SCM Study Guide to Philosophy and Christian Faith (London: SCM)

2017            SCM Study Guide to Theology in the Contemporary World (London: SCM)

2017            Bold Faith: A Closer Look at the Five Key Ideas of Charismatic Christianity (Eugene: Wipf and Stock)

2016            The Old Rugged Cross: A History of the Atonement in Popular Christian Devotion (Eugene: Cascade)

2014             Atonement Theories: A Way Through the Maze (Eugene: Cascade)


Popular Books

2024             Ruby in the Mist (Eugene: Stone Table, in press)

2023             One With Christ: 40 Biblical Meditations on Paul’s ‘in Christ’ Theme (Eugene: Cascade, 2023)

2023             The Beauty of God: Beauty, the Divine Attributes and the Life of Faith (Eugene: Cascade)

2022             The Riches of Romans Part 1: Romans 1-8 (Seattle: Kindle)

2019             Authentic Christianity: The Essentials of Christian Discipleship (Seattle: kindle)

2018             Authentic Faith: An Introduction to Christian Doctrine for Churches (Seattle: Kindle)

2017              With Jason Glover and Daniel Thompson, Beyond This Darkness: A Faith-Based Pathway to Recovery from Addictive Behaviors (Eugene: Resource)

2016              The Hero’s Journey Guidebook: Mapping the Story of Your Life (Eugene: Resource)

2014              Whose Baby? Therapy for the Christmas Season in Twelve Parts (Eugene: Resource)

2014              The King of the Jews: 28 Moments with the Son of God (Eugene: Resource)


Popular Articles

2022             ‘Reflections on  the Age of Authenticity,’ Methodist Recorder (December 2022)

2020             ‘A Fruity Lockdown Life,’ Methodist Recorder (December 2020).

2020             ‘Plato and His Big Idea: The Theory of Forms’ Dialogue: A Journal of Religion and Philosophy 55 (November), 9-13.

2019              ‘Thoughts on being in Christ,’ Methodist Recorder (March 2019).

2018              ‘The Allegory of the Cave and the Light of the World’ Methodist Recorder (March 2018).

2017              'In Christ – What is it?' Methodist Recorder (February 2017).

2016              'Getting Past Your Grumpy Old Troll,' Methodist Recorder (February  2016).

2015              'Have You Heard the Call?' Methodist Recorder (September 11, 2015).

2015              'Making Meaningful Connections,' Methodist Recorder (January 9, 2014), 11.

2014              'The Day of Small Things,' Methodist Recorder (March 2014)

2013              'Angles on the Cross,' Methodist Recorder (March 2013), 9.

2012              'From Good Theology to Living the Dream,' Gideon News (Summer 2012),

2008             'From Bad Trips to Good Theology,' Gideon News (Autumn 2008), 14-15.

2005             '"The Lost Message of Jesus’ What is all the fuss about?' Direction (Oct 2005), 16-18.


Academic Articles

2016           'Succession Plans: Is There a Biblical Template?' Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association 35:1 (2016): 1-14.

2015           "'Under the Blood' at Azusa Street: Exodus Typology at the Heart of Pentecostal Origins,' Journal of Religious History 39:1 (March 2015): 86-103.

2014           ‘”Kicking the Daylights out of the Devil” The Victory Motif in Some Recent Atonement Theology,” European Journal of Theology XXIII:1 (2014): 32-42.

2014           'The Wesleyan Way: Entire Sanctification and its spin-offs – a recurring theme in Evangelical Devotion,” Evangelical Review of Theology 38:1 (Jan 2014): 4-21.

2013           ‘Subverted Hierarchies: Towards a Biblical Theology of Leadership,’ Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association 32:2 (2013): 125-142.

2012            'The Spirit and the Cross: Insights from Barth and Möltmann into the Holy Spirit’s Relationship to the Cross of Christ,' Evangelical Review of Theology 36:4 (Oct 2012): 292-301.

2012            'The Mind of the Spirit: Explorations in the reciprocal relationship between the work of the Spirit and the work of the Son,' Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association 32:1 (2012): 41-60.

2007            'A Brief History of the Blood: the Story of the Blood of Christ in Transatlantic Evangelical Devotion,' Evangelical Review of Theology 31:3, 239-255.

2006            '"There is Power in the Blood" – The Role of the Blood of Jesus in the Spirituality of Early British Pentecostalism,' Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association 25: 54-66


Online Presence

Blogs: Nature and Me: Nature and Me | Memories, Observations, Marvels (

The Walk: The Walk – Devotions, Discipleship, Going Deeper (

Theology Everywhere: Contributors – Theology Everywhere

Radio: Konnect Radio ‘Godspots’: Godspots by Ben Pugh | Free Listening on SoundCloud

Podcast: The Walk:

Social Media: Home / Twitter Ben Pugh | Facebook

Youtube: The Gospel in a Material World - Samuel Chadwick Lecture 2023 - YouTube


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